Global Vpn Client Mac Download

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UDIT has been working since the onset of the spread of COVID-19 to enhance online services for students, faculty and staff. As of March 23rd, a new VPN solution is available for UDel users. Palo Alto GlobalProtect is a virtual private network (VPN) solution that enables encrypted access to protected resources. This solution will allow staff access to campus resources that require use of University IP addresses or UD VPN IP addresses, such as restricted Webforms, systems on private networks, and other applications.

Important: This solution will not enable access to protected resources and desktops that require static VPN IP addresses or VPN groups when using AnyConnect VPN. Please contact your IT-Pro to determine whether your resources are protected by existing campus network access policies.


Palo Alto (Global Protect) VPN Client Downloads

  • Apple iOS & Android Palo Alto (Global Protect) VPN clients can be downloaded via the Apple App Store & Google Play Store.
  • Download the Palo Alto (GlobalProtect) agent for Linux from the right-side column above.
    • UD only supports the GUI version of the Palo Alto VPN installer.
  • Sign in


GlobalGlobal Vpn Client Mac Download

The AT&T Global Network Client allows Mac OS devices to easily access the Internet and your company’s private network from all over the world. It provides a simple, powerful interface that automatically detects and connects over cellular, Wi-Fi, and broadband networks.

In addition, AT&T now offers more than 1M* Wi-Fi hotspots in more than 100 countries that are available to Remote Access Users who utilize the AT&T Global Network Client. The total AT&T Wi-Fi footprint is comprised of both AT&T Wi-Fi branded locations and AT&T partner Wi-Fi locations across the world.

System Requirements

The AT&T Global Network Client for Mac and its components are supported on the following operating systems and hardware:

Operating System

  • Mac OS 10.14
  • Mac OS 10.15

Global Protect Vpn Client For Mac


Latest Download

AT&T Global Network Client for Mac 2.2.0 (Download)

Global Vpn Client For Mac

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